"I'm no model lady, a model's just an imitation of the real thing."-Mae West

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Best Part of "Believe" is the ''Lie''

    Lying is a skill that can be found in both sexes, all races, and every age group. It is part of the human condition. We all have lied. I have lied for various reasons, the prominent one being to stay out of trouble. I'm not, however, proud of this fact. Lying is like a black hole sucking you in and reshaping you until you don't know what you are anymore. To lie seems like the easier way out sometimes than to tell the truth, but in reality the opposite is true. When a person lies, he or she must remember the lie, not reform any part of it, and be able to have a certain amount of acting skills to pull it off. If any one detail of a lie changes, it will be uncovered an d brought to light. To tell the truth might have certain consequences at he present, but the person telling the truth will only have to remember what happened, not a fictional story. I have been punished for dishonesty before and it was much more severe than if I would have told the truth. Also, a hidden punishment for lying is the disappointment and distrust I received after the unveiling of the truth.
 People lie for various reasons. One of which is to keep out of trouble. It may seem tantalizing as a child to tell your mother you only had one cookie when you actually had ten, but there will be harsh effects from this. Also, lying to make things seem more important is a major reason people lie. An example of this is someone stating that they had ten phone calls wen they only had four. This lie may not seem like a big deal, it enhances the story, but it is still a lie. One of the last reasons people lie is to start conflict with an enemy. Yes, rumors are mostly lies made up to make people feel better about themselves while making others feel terrible.
    I have been the victim of malicious rumors before. It is not a warm feeling. When I was in middle school and I heard a rumor about myself, I would drive myself crazy trying to figure out who started it and how it came to be. It can be a very hurtful thing that can ruin reputations, friendships, and even lives. However, now that I've experienced my fair share of rumors, I've learned to shuck them off and not even try and figure them out. This lack of interest takes the power away from the rumor starter and puts it into my hands. Though I can never stop a rumor someone else starts, I try every day to keep what come forth from my mouth as pure and truthful as possible.

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