"I'm no model lady, a model's just an imitation of the real thing."-Mae West

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Why Can't I Have Chicken at 5 a.m.?

   Why is it that restaurants, especially the ones that are dedicated to giving it to us our way, sometimes completely neglect what we want. For instance, if I were to go to my local McDonald's at five in the morning and ask for chicken nuggets, I would be cruelly denied. This restaurants purpose is to serve hungry, paying customers. So why then, might I ask, can I not purchase any food they serve at any time of day? Do they mysteriously run out of chicken nuggets every morning until the chicken nugget fairy comes along at eleven? This idea is ludicrous. I'm not going to be "lovin' it" if I can't get the food that I desire because the workers are too lazy to turn on the deep fryer just yet. As I can infer from experience, not everyone loves pancakes every single day. Restaurants would generate a bigger profit if they displayed more lunch and dinner variety foods on their breakfast menu.
    Also, I have a job in a fast food restaurant, so I have a few more complaints that most people never experience. For instance, when our restaurant gets busy, it is sometimes very difficult to take orders, keep the lobby clean, make sure everything is stocked and orderly, give out food, wash dishes, and refrain from strangling a few customers in the process. Why then, can they not just call in one more worker to help? By no means could our restaurants not afford another worker at any point in the day. And also, there are employees at the fast food restaurant I work that are, to put it nicely, lazy bums. Some, even managers, expect me to do everything and then a little extra for what they aren't doing. I think that if a manager isn't actually working, then they shouldn't be getting paid. Some managers even sit and eat the food the rest of us are trying hard to prepare and serve. And the last thing that ticks me off as an employee of a fast food restaurant is that I don't get free food. After putting in all my time and energy I deserve a cheeseburger that I don't have to use my paycheck on. As long as an employee doesn't go overboard and feed his or her family with free food, it should be allowed on work days. And that should even include chicken nuggets at five in the morning.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Bio Poem


Strong, Independent, Intuitive, Stubborn
Sister of No One
Lover of People, Her Family, Freedom
Who Feels Human, Proud, Alone
Who Needs Freedom, Love Companionship
Who Gives Mind, Body, and Soul
Who Fears Loss, Confinement, Pearl
Who Would Like to See Pearl be Happy
Resident of Boston

Hester is like a mule in the fact that she is stubborn, proud, and extremely hardworking.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

To David. My Good Friend.

Dear David,
    Hey there. I already know I'll be sobbing by the end of this letter, but I don't think you'll mind that much. I feel you with me reading this right now. I want you to know that you are one of the very best friends I have ever had or ever will have. You are funny and upbeat every single day; you brighten the darkest clouds in the middle of a storm. You are also one of the most generous people that have ever lived. You always think of others before yourself. I can still remember all the times you have brought our whole honors class candy or cupcakes because you felt like we needed a boost.  You are one of the first hands in the air to volunteer for any project big or small and you are a necessity to our little family-class. I have, to this day, never heard you utter a cruel word or snide remark about anyone, and you never complain of too much work or stress. We've been close for three years now and you have done so much that I have not returned. You've showed me many new songs and even dances that I would have never known existed if it were not for your eclectic tastes. You share my love for literature, and I cannot count how many activity periods we have spent discussing the latest novel we were reading. I was so excited when you told me about everything in your life getting better and better. I promise you this is only the beginning. Life is a wide open road for you to go wherever you feel the wind is blowing you. It can only get better from here. You have your wonderful parents who you have bragged to me about time and time again and you have your family here at school. We will always be there for you to come to. We will hold you if you need to be held. We will laugh, cry, sing, dance, and bend over backwards to make you smile. You have always had one of the best smiles God ever created. I promise to help you keep it there. David you are so important to me and I don't know how I could ever live without you. I will love you and remember you for the rest of my life. Please tell Jesus and Jimmy hi for me.
                                     Whitney Gabrielle Phillips

Friday, August 13, 2010

Character Counts

  "Character is the foundation of a house, it is below the surface." This quote applies to both my personal life and my school life in a variety of ways. What this quote says is that character is the very thing holding us up. Without good character, just like a good foundation, we would not be able to function properly. 
   When building a house, neglecting to make a sturdy foundation has dire consequences. In order to have a stable home, you need to put an effort into its base. Just like that, I have to put time and effort into presenting a character worthy of praise. When I display qualities such as responsibility and respect for others I build myself up and am never let down. When I practice good character I strengthen my morals and mind. In the words of Austin Phelps, “The grand aim of man’s creation is the development of a grand character, and grand character is, by its very nature, the product of probationary discipline. Doing what is good, right, and proper as often as possible will help you discipline yourself to the maintenance of a good character." Some of the many aspects that help discipline and define a good character are respectfulness toward others, showing responsibility, caring for others, and showing citizenship. When I exhibit these qualities at school, I am rewarded. When I don't show good character, I am punished. At work, I am also noticed by managers and bosses when I show good character by being responsible, respectful, caring, and cooperative. Working to build my character will take me a long way. I will be able to get more connections with people, more job and college interviews, and more opportunities in every aspect of my life.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

To the Most Amazing Woman in the World

Dear Mom,
  First of all, I love you. You brought me into this world and made the ultimate sacrifice to raise me and give me the amazing life I enjoy today. If it weren't for you I would not be the person I am today. You are my real-life superhero. You have watched me grow, helped me up when I've fallen, held me when I've cried, fought away the monsters, cured the belly aches, kissed the boo-boos, made me meal after meal, and been there through the rough and gentle waters. Your love is one of the only that will stand the test of time and continue for all eternity. Even when I mess up, you are always there to tell me that it's okay and that mistakes are made. You don't see my faults, but look past those with your glasses made of the purest and kindest love. Your warmth says I love you and I need you when the world says nothing of the sort. You are there to lend a helping hand, scrutinizing mind, soft embrace, or ever intent ear on any occasion I call for them. Our relationship has transformed over the years from the separation anxiety of my youth to the rebellious phase of my adolescence to the shining, golden friendship and companionship of my young adulthood. Now I not only view you as my mother, but as one of my most cherished friends. I look forward to the times we will share as the years go on, and you will be one of the first I look for when I pass the golden gate you have always taught me about and reared me toward. I thank you from the very bottom of my heart for teaching me about God, people, boys, food, womanhood, and every other subject that would take me all day long to recite. You have been and will always be the most incredible woman I know. I love you from the very bottom of my heart. 
Love forever and always, Whitney

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Twilight Zone....duhn duhn duhn.

  Have you ever had the sense that you were being watched? Have you ever thought what it would be like to travel in time? Or have you ever thought what it would be like if our version of beauty was hideous? If you answered yes to any of the previous questions then there is a TV show for you. The public should all know about the popular series from the late 1950's The Twilight Zone. This series causes you to think twice and really examine reality. It has meaning and can help you in real life situations.
  In an episode titled "Time Enough at Last" we are introduced to a man named Henry Bemis. Henry is not exactly a well-rounded individual. His only dream and purpose in life is to read books. He tries desperately all day long to quench his thirst but is distracted by his dragon of a wife and slave driving boss. No one will allow Bemis enough time to read even labels on condiment containers. One day, while he sneaks into the vault at his work to read, the whole earth begins to shake and he has no idea that an h-bomb was just dropped on his little town. When he emerges from his secret spot he realizes what has happened. At first he tries to be tough and figure out a way to survive, but eventually the loneliness descends and he is left contemplating suicide. He is about to pull the trigger on a gun he scrounges around to find when he stumbles on his Eden, the public library. He is overjoyed to the point of hysteria and begins to organize his new-found treasure. After plotting out his reading journey for the next few years and setting up the ultimate life of luxury, he bends over to pick up his first book and his glasses fall down to the tyrant and unforgiving ground where they shatter to the point of no return. He is devastated and the episode ends in a shot of him desperately going crazy with grief.
  If you are a literature fan, you will be overjoyed with irony of this tale. Many of this series' shows conclude just as this one, with a curveball from left field. They are both thought provoking and riveting. The story of Henry Bemis will cause you to say to yourself, what would I do in that situation? If I had a love for reading that powerful would I give up and commit suicide or would I try and piece together what little I have left until I found and optometrist office? This and other episodes alike will cause you to examine yourself and become a more intelligent individual. Even from our story we see that it is unwise to devote ourselves solely to one thing. We also learn to take better care of our glasses in case of nuclear warcraft. Happy watching.